Indonesia looking to produce rounds and components of the BMP-3F infantry fighting vehicle (IFV)

Indonesia is studying an option to launch the licensed production of rounds and components for the BMP 3F infantry fighting vehicle (IFV), Deputy Head of Russia’s Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation Mikhail Petukhov said Petukhov made this statement at the LIMA 2017 international arms exhibition. "Indonesia is currently studying Russian offers concerning the licensed production of rounds and separate components for the BMP 3Finfantry fighting vehicles delivered earlier," the deputy head said. According to him, Russia is ready to cooperate with potential foreign customers in the sphere of licensed production.

"We are ready to this kind of cooperation but its expediency, parameters and prospects should be considered in each specific case," the deputy head said. Today, Indonesia’s Armed Forces have a fleet of BMP 3F infantry fighting vehicles. As it was reported earlier, Indonesia received 17 BMP 3F vehicles in 2010. Later, Russia’s arms exporter Rosoboronexport delivered a batch of 37 BMP 3F vehicles to Indonesia. The BMP 3F IFV is a version of a baseline vehicle designed for the Marine Corps. The vehicle can be used by coastal defense and border guard units as well.
The vehicle is designed for combat in coastal areas, on the shore and during amphibious landing. The vehicle is armed with the 100mm main armament, the 30mm coaxial gun, anti-tank missiles and the 7.62mm machinegun. The BMP 3F vehicle has a crew of three and carries seven marines.
